Saturday, January 16, 2010

Mujeres al borde de un ataque de nervios

(Ay, I have to give credit to Gingmaganda for this title . Ayan. Credit. hahaha.)

I'd say it's just one of those days.
When you feel like a total fool.
A mismatch.
You trudge through the chores of working life
You get paid for things you don't even get pleasure from.
Like prostitutes. Oh fekk that, maybe worse.

So you think of other ways to divert your sad state.
Temporary drugs to keep you going.
Your body maybe willing, but your soul--MIA.
Then you think of escapes, of so-called 'dream sequences'.
You just want something you 'want'. You like. You are passionate for.

I don't think such indicates what I'm doing right now.
And calls have to be made. Soon.

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